
30.11. 2015

Electron energetics in the expanding solar wind

Electron energetics in the expanding solar wind
Detailed statistical analysis of electron energetic properties as measured by HELIOS 1&2 spacecraft indicates that for the non-adiabatic cooling of electrons in the expanding solar wind no significant external heating mechanisms are required.
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22.05. 2014

Proton and alpha particle thermal energetics in the solar wind

Proton and alpha particle thermal energetics in the solar wind
Numerical simulations indicate that proton and alpha particle thermal energetics in the solar wind are importantly influenced by kinetic instabilities.
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19.04. 2012

Solar Wind – Time Development of Waves

The solar wind is a high flow of plasma from the Sun which fills the solar system. As the solar wind flows away from the Sun it expands, and this expansion changes the particle distribution function within the plasma. This can only happen because the plasma is very low density and very high temperature so that it is collisionless, which means that the particle distribution functions are not forced to be stable Maxwellian distributions as in a normal gas.
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  • 7
  • ERA
  • ESA
  • Queen Mary
  • CNRS
  • ASU
  • Sprinx systems
  • University of St. Andrews